Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wedding Speech Grandmother And I Sat On Her Velvet Soft...

Grandmother and I sat on her velvet soft carpet looking in photo albums and old dusty time capsules of her past relatives, I felt peace and happiness. She told me of her mothers and fathers and what had they Asachieved in their time. Suddenly, in one of the boxes I saw a piece of green metal, the color of the Statue of Liberty. I asked Grandma what it was. â€Å"Oh Emma dear, this was my Grandmother’s lucky penny. She gave it to me and I shall give it to you. It will bring you good luck,† cooed Grandma. â€Å"You really mean it!?† â€Å"Yes,† said Grandma. When I examined it more carefully, I noticed a small silver scrape across the top of it. I asked her about it and she said, â€Å"Signs of wear my darling. This way, you will have always have a†¦show more content†¦Still, it didn’t fill the empty hole left in my heart. A few weeks later I was lying in bed with my fists clutching the penny inside, and tears running through my eyes like a million little raindrops. Drip, drop, drip, drop! Life felt very different without Grandma and Grandpa living a short five-minute walk down the street. I tried to go on with my normal life, but I still felt lonely without them. My mom suggested maybe I could sign up to play a new sport or something. The only problem with that is every time I thought of sports, it reminded me that’s the reason Grandma and Grandpa moved in the first place. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I needed something to keep my mind on something other than missing my grandparents. Besides, basketball did look kind of fun. And one of my best friends Lauren mentioned trying out when we were eating lunch in the cafeteria last week. Two days later, on Friday, I sprang out of bed, filled with excitement and a little bit of butterflies in my stomach. It was the big day of basketball tryouts. First, I put on my brand new basketball outfit my grandparents sent me from their new store. I love getting new clothes! It even smelled new. My grandma knows me so well! Black top and on the back, the word Edwin (my last name) spelled in perfect aqua letters, with the number ten (my favorite number) under it. My school colors! For the first time since they moved, I couldn’t help but

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