Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tragedy And The Common Man Vs Death Of A Salesman

Prompt One— An evaluation of Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross and Miller’s Death of a Salesman both depicts a protagonist that grapples with a moral discrepancy of ideals and disillusionment. This conflict is directly affected by a personal choice that later becomes irrevocable. Shelly from Glengarry Glen Ross and Death of a Salesman Willy, struggle to preserve their reputation. Intertwined with external pressure and family dynamics, these characters represent the quintessential elements of a tragic hero. The social standing of the two protagonists concerns the common man. A typical criteria of a tragic hero examines the plight of kings. However, Willy and Shelly do not come from an aristocratic background. Rather, their nobility lies in†¦show more content†¦However, this â€Å"personal dignity† that Willy and Shelly are latched onto ultimately became their downfall. In which case, this also follows with Aristotle’s specification, â€Å"The her o must have a weakness, usually it is pride† (Aristotle). The â€Å"hubris† as Aristotle further notes is the character’s demonstration of an excess of pride. In Death of a Salesman, Willy often ruminated on his past and attempted to relive certain situations and experiences. This later developed into delusion, as Willy often talked to himself and experienced hallucinations. Willy also enjoyed bragging, and frequently edited parts of reality when recounting the past. This was in favor of portraying a certain image of himself. In doing so, Willy created a facade of the perfect and well-liked man. Willy’s stories become so convincing that his family, as well as himself, believe that this representation is, in fact a true depiction. The ideology that charisma is the driving force to success is derived from Willy; he teaches this to his sons Biff and Happy. 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