Monday, August 26, 2019

Research, Writing, and Rhetoric Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

, Writing, and Rhetoric - Research Paper Example The issue of influences of human behaviour is a fundamental area of study in the contemporary society where issues of morality and ethics almost always touch families and professions. A paradigm shift in the societal mindset is required to alter its potential to cause negative behaviours in the population. The power of a situation shapes the character traits of society members. Dawn K.Coutant, author of â€Å"The effect of A Power-Imbalanced Situation on The Cognitive Processing Of Low-Power Group Members† claims that when a child is born, the brain is blank (78). Knowledge is written into the brain from the experiences as one interacts with the environment. A range of factors such as culture, emotions and authority influences the traits of a person and impacts behavior. The socio-economic environment and situations surrounding the environment affects the traits of people more than they know. A person’s friends, family members, enemies, systems and even the media impact on his behavior in very fundamental ways. Many may argue about personality differences, which are inborn and not affected by the environment, but these traits are developed by situations surrounding the environment. There are certain standards and expectations that the society puts on every one of its mem bers. Adam D. Galinsky, author of â€Å"Power Reduces The Press Of The Situation: Implications For Creativity, Conformity, And Dissonance† states that the behavior of the members of the society is a product of these expectations (14). The society tells human beings what to do and how to do it. It prescribes the mode of behavior and conduct. In his book, â€Å"Replicating Milgram: Would People still Obey Today?,† Jerry M Burger explains the findings of an experiment that replicated Stanley Milgram’s obedience studies. His studies allowed for useful comparisons with the

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