Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Business report - Essay Example The women worked in two batches of five, one in the morning shift and the other in the afternoon shift. Each person had allocated duties but they helped each other out when required. The workers had great coordination between them and the cafeteria had a good reputation. The dormitory was subsequently purchased by the State University and enlarged to accommodate 300 persons. The cafeteria was also enlarged accordingly and new modern equipment was installed. Ten additional women were employed who were all placed in the afternoon shift; the older ones were retained and all placed in the morning shift. Besides now six students worked exclusively on the new dishwasher. However in the morning shift an addition was a new woman who was comparatively younger and amateur and tried to over intervene in matters not related to her. A supervisor was also installed to fix menu of the day. All supplies were ordered centrally by the Dormitory Director. The result was dissention among the morning shift first due to the additional person who was disliked for her ways; secondly because of alleged inferior supplies; and lastly because they now had to cook larger portions with new unfamiliar but modern equipment. The result was comparatively inferior, although still adequate food, but often falling short of requirements. It was decided by the Director that a change in strategy was required from the next semester. This report will attempt to inform the management on the requirement and methods of change to affect a smooth transition and lay down the guidelines for both the leadership and the workers with appropriate academic references for support. 3 Strategies Environments have a great impact on companies. In the face of increased pressure, competition, and a continually challenging working environment the decision for new strategies is not really a choice but an essential requirement. Service Organizations need to be cost effective to be able to be useful. This is a continuing exercise which calls for changes. In current thinking organizations are socially constructed systems that share values and meanings (Burrell & Morgan, 1979; Pfeffer, 1981; Weick, 1969), and the mission of the management is to promote and develop these shared meanings in order to achieve their objectives of fitting the organization in its environment. It is this fitting act that is strategy. However to remain fit is a constant challenge and change is

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