Monday, July 29, 2019

Amy chua Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amy chua - Essay Example This paper seeks to highlight on the theme of the book, which declares that for one to raise successful children, one has to become a Chinese mother. The book’s author uses the terms Western parents and Asian/Chinese parents loosely as claimed in the text to indicate that it is not a direct reference to individuals of his background. This is reiterated when she likens such parenting styles to other individuals from various regions of the world like Ghana and India. Despite this, the focuses on the terms western and Asian parents is because it is in the context of her experience, which she is relaying in her book. The main distinction that the author makes between these two methods of parenting is the level or degree of strictness that is exerted by parents on their children. According to the author, there is no limit to the extremes that she was willing to go to ensure that her children achieved what she thought was required of her children. Chinese mothers are used as the blu e print for this parenting style but it does not mean the method of parenting is isolated in Chinese or Asian only mothers or parenting style. The parenting style is founded on strong Confucianism principles that emphasize on self-excellence and internal strength (WLS.COM). It emphasizes on summoning these strengths in the event of failure or adversity to facilitate success in any endeavor that they embark on in their lives. The Chinese mother’s philosophy cares only about the success that comes out of their unorthodox ways of encouragement. This philosophy seems to support the adage that states ‘the end justifies the means.’ The author states that children, who are raised through an authoritarian parenting style, come to appreciate the efforts made by their parents in compelling them to excel. This is contrasted against the ‘Western’ parenting style that the author claims is keen on developing the self-esteem and creative side of their children. Unl ike Chinese mothers who emphasize on excellence in all academic fields except gym and drama, western parents are passive in this role (Jen 178). This means that western parents’ emphasis on academic excellence is somewhat subdued compared to Chinese mothers who would go to any lengths in an effort to ensure that their children accomplish and achieve academic success. Western mothers believe in letting their children choose their way through academic courses they feel that they are good at, but this is different from Chinese mothers who do the choosing for their children. Western mothers argue that letting their children make their choices about what to pursue in academics and extracurricular activities helps improve and promote their creativity (Chua 87). Chinese mothers on the hand believe in nurturing their children’s creative skills to excellence in line with their perceptions of appropriateness of these activities. Chinese mother’ portrayal in the book by th e author has elicited, by most parts, negative criticism for its disregard of morals that should govern parenting (Jen 124). The author dismisses these claims because she believes that morals are meant to guide and help focus parenting efforts to successful fruition. The disregard for morals in parenting has been blamed for increased psychological problems

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