Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Raegan Administration as Having Altered the American...

The Raegan Administration as Having Altered the American Political Agenda To understand why the Reagan presidency was so unique first one must understand transformation of the presidency. The post-1932 modern presidency differs from the modern presidency in three ways unique ways. The first reason is that the modern president have grown stronger, and thus expanded and developed independence to create policy. The second reason is that the presidents role in shaping the annual legislative agenda and influencing congress has been institutionalised. The third reason is that in the modern presidency, there has been a large expansion in official presidential staff. In 1937 President Franklin D.†¦show more content†¦Reagan was much liked because he offered a broad appeal, he shared the notions of people such as Goldwater but Reagan would be much liked. One thing the American public hates is an out spoken candidate, and thats what people such as Goldwater was, so Reagan was the ideal candidate. Goldwater was the extreme right of the Republican Party, Goldwater often criticised the policies of Dwight Eisenhower. He described his social policies as dime - store New Deal and strongly opposed the presidents decisions to use federal troops at little rock. Goldw ater also believed that Eisenhower was too soft on trade unions and complained about his failure o balance the budget. Reagan had an attractive personality and also had a good style as a political performer, this made Reagan a strong candidate, his notions and his ideology made him a candidate who might be able to represent conservative views, and more importantly be electable. Many candidates with strong political views, sometimes forget their political position once they are elected into office. However Reagan made it his goal to be true to his conservative principles, which he had been compiling

Monday, December 9, 2019

Reading and thinking critically free essay sample

Notes for How Dumb Do They Think We Are?1. ) I didn’t know what implacable meant so I looked it up. Implacable unable to be placated. Opposed to someone or something in a very angry or determined way that cannot be changed.2.) Didn’t understand at first why the teacher would blame themselves for students plagiarizing. But as I continued reading I understood.3. ) It was surprising to me that the teacher found it shocking they would see more and more cases of plagiarism.4.) Loved when the author stated â€Å"†¦why can’t they at least do it in a way that acknowledges that their audience is intelligent?†5.) It was good how the author gives solutions to the problem of plagiarism instead of just stating that students do it with no plan of action.6.) Definition of plagiarism from the article: not only dishonest; it is also a sign of a students’ shamefully entrenched satisfaction with their limitations. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading and thinking critically or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Summary of How Dumb Do They Think We Are?In Jonathan Malesic’s article How Dumb Do They Think We Are? Malesic discusses the struggles for both the professor and the student when plagiarism is found in the classroom. Malesic defines plagiarism as â€Å"not only a sign of dishonestly but also a sign of students’ shamefully entrenched satisfaction with their limitations.† He believes that if his students could recognize the differences from their own writing styles from those of authors they find in their readings, they should be able to write their own papers without the influence of others.Summary of Fleeting, Fitful FameIn Jim Bishop’s article Fleeting, Fitful Fame, Bishop discusses how fame is a longing for many people but in most situations they don’t find satisfaction in the end result. Some cases are more drastic than others, resulting in extreme situations such as death for the seeker. Bishop believes that fame can never be good in a persons life†¦instead it just ruins them.

Monday, December 2, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird main themes

The main themes of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird cover both adult and children’s concerns, including the dignity of human life, the importance of truth, the rights of people to be different, the need for a humane and holistic approach to education, and the corrosive destructiveness of racism. Lee uses several story lines and a whole town full of vivid characters to make her points, and, along the way, honor her lawyer father.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird main themes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More She clearly has seen, in her own life, the worst of racism, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, as well as the best of integrity and upright behavior in a variety of people. She wants readers to think about how they treat others, whether of different race, or mental ability, or style of learning, or any other difference that does no harm to the rest of us, exactly like the harmle ss mockingbird. Harper Lee grew up in a town very like the setting of the novel. Her father was a local lawyer, a lean and lanky man very well represented by Gregory Peck in the 1962 movie. There were mysterious and shuttered homes in her neighborhood, and doubtless racial tensions. She was admired by her fellow townsfolk for her writing and her bravery in articulating the poisonous atmosphere of racism (Life Magazine, 1961). In the final section of the novel, these points come to a dramatic culmination. The trial of Tom Robinson, which showcases the venal, mendacious, and violent tendencies of the Ewell family, especially Bob Ewell, is unsuccessful in vindicating Robinson. Nonetheless, Atticus is recognized by the African-American community as having done a masterful job in defending Robinson. This is evidenced by the way Scout and Jem are prodded to rise in respect, along with all the African-Americans in attendance in the balcony (Lee, 1960, p. 350). This unshaken conviction that Atticus has done his best is also supported by the gifts in kind which the African-American community leaves at the Finch home (Lee, 1960, p. 352). The summer passes with an uneasy sense of threat from Ewell (Lee, 1960, p. 360). There is plenty of time for Atticus to explain the criminal justice system, and why no one â€Å"like us† shows up on juries, as Jem wonders (Lee, 1960, p. 365). He also theorizes about Boo Radley’s motivations for staying shut up in his house (Lee, 1960, p. 376). This is the calm before the storm, however, with the missionary circle’s almost surreally disconnected tea party that Scout is drawn into to teach her to be a young lady. It offers her an opportunity to listen to the sometimes-poisonous gossip (Lee, 1960, p. 379).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More All this putative peace is shattered when Atticus announces Tom Robinson ’s deeply suspicious death during an alleged escape attempt. Ewell’s hatred and desire for revenge are well-known. The pace of things picks up here and it is during Scout’s awkward homeward walk inside her ham costume that she is attacked by Bob Ewell, and rescued, as we learn later, by the reclusive Boo Radley. In this event, Bob Ewell, the destroyer of Tom Robinson, a harmless cripple, is destroyed by Boo Radley, also a cripple. Radley has lived his life behind closed doors and shuttered windows because of his mysterious past behavior, but he has watched out for the Finch children, who are also harmless like the mockingbird. Thus, there is a sort of justice carried out finally. The adults around Boo agree to ignore Boo’s role in the killing of Bob Ewell, and allow him to return to his secluded life undisturbed. Tom Robinson is avenged, although that does not help his wife or children. The Finch children are wiser, and perhaps sadder, but alive to tell t he tale and change the world for the better. African-Americans are not any farther along, but there is some recognition of their worth as people (Shuman, 2002, p. 551). Bibliography Lee, H. (1960). To Kill A Mockingbird. New York: Harper Collins. Life Magazine. (1961, May 21). Literary Laurels for a Novice. Life , 77. Shuman, R. B. (2002). Great American Writers: Twentieth Century. Tarrytown, NY, USA: Marshall Cavendish. This essay on To Kill a Mockingbird main themes was written and submitted by user Michaela Hardin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sir Guy Carleton in the American Revolution

Sir Guy Carleton in the American Revolution Guy Carleton - Early Life Career: Born September 3, 1724, at Strabane, Ireland, Guy Carleton was the son of Christopher and Catherine Carleton. The son of a modest landowner, Carleton was educated locally until his fathers death when he was fourteen. Following his mothers remarriage a year later, his stepfather, Reverend Thomas Skelton, oversaw his education. On May 21, 1742, Carleton accepted a commission as an ensign in the 25th Regiment of Foot. Promoted to lieutenant three years later, he worked to further his career by joining the 1st Foot Guards in July 1751. Guy Carleton - Rising Through the Ranks: During this period, Carleton befriended Major James Wolfe. A rising star in the British Army, Wolfe recommended Carleton to the young Duke of Richmond as a military tutor in 1752. Building a relationship with Richmond, Carleton began what would become a career-long ability to develop influential friends and contacts. With the Seven Years War raging, Carleton was appointed as an aide-de-camp to the Duke of Cumberland on June 18, 1757, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. After a year in this role, he was made lieutenant colonel of Richmonds newly-formed 72nd Foot. Guy Carleton - In North America with Wolfe: In 1758, Wolfe, now a brigadier general, requested Carleton join his staff for the Siege of Louisbourg. This was blocked by King George II who reportedly was angered that Carleton had made negative comments regarding German troops. After extensive lobbying, he was permitted to join Wolfe as quartermaster general for the 1759 campaign against Quebec. Performing well, Carleton took part in the Battle of Quebec that September. During the fighting, he was wounded in the head and returned to Britain the following month. As the war wound down, Carleton took part in expeditions against Port Andro and Havana. Guy Carleton - Arriving in Canada: Having been promoted to colonel in 1762, Carleton transferred to the 96th Foot after the war ended. On April 7, 1766, he was named Lieutenant Governor and Administrator of Quebec. Though this came as a surprise to some as Carleton lacked governmental experience, the appointment was mostly likely the result of the political connections he had built over the previous years. Arriving in Canada, he soon began to clash with Governor James Murray over matters of government reform. Earning the trust of the regions merchants, Carleton was appointed Captain General and Governor in Chief in April 1768 after Murray resigned. Over the next few years, Carleton worked to implement reform as well as improve the provinces economy. Opposing Londons desire to have colonial assembly formed in Canada, Carleton sailed for Britain in August 1770, leaving Lieutenant Governor Hector Theophilus de Cramahà © to oversee matters in Quebec. Pressing his case in person, he aided in crafting the Quebec Act of 1774. Besides creating a new system of government for Quebec, the act expanded rights for Catholics as well as greatly expanded the provinces borders at the expense of the Thirteen Colonies to the south. Guy Carleton - The American Revolution Begins: Now holding the rank of major general, Carleton arrived back in Quebec on September 18, 1774. With tensions between the Thirteen Colonies and London running high, he was ordered by Major General Thomas Gage to dispatch two regiments to Boston. To offset this loss, Carleton began working to raise additional troops locally. Though some troops were assembled, he was largely disappointed by the Canadians unwillingness to rally to the flag. In May 1775, Carleton learned of the beginning of the American Revolution and the capture of Fort Ticonderoga by Colonels Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen. Guy Carleton - Defending Canada: Though pressured by some to incite the Native Americans against the Americans, Carleton steadfastly refused to allow them to conduct indiscriminate attacks against the colonists. Meeting with the Six Nations at Oswego, NY in July 1775, he asked them to remain at peace. As the conflict progressed, Carleton permitted their use, but only in support of larger British operations. With American forces poised to invade Canada that summer, he shifted the bulk of his forces to Montreal and Fort St. Jean to block an enemy advance north from Lake Champlain. Attacked by Brigadier General Richard Montgomerys army in September, Fort St. Jean was soon under siege. Moving slowly and mistrustful of his militia, Carletons efforts to relieve the fort were repulsed and it fell to Montgomery on November 3. With the loss of the fort, Carleton was compelled to abandon Montreal and withdrew with his forces to Quebec. Arriving at the city on November 19, Carleton found that an American force under Arnold was already operating in the area. This was joined by Montgomerys command in early December. Guy Carleton - Counterattack: Under a loose siege, Carleton worked to improve the Quebecs defenses in anticipation of an American assault which finally came on the night of December 30/31. In the ensuing Battle of Quebec, Montgomery was killed and the Americans repulsed. Though Arnold remained outside of Quebec through the winter, the Americans were unable to take the city. With the arrival of British reinforcements in May 1776, Carleton forced Arnold to retreat towards Montreal. Pursuing, he defeated the Americans at Trois-Rivià ¨res on June 8. Knighted for his efforts, Carleton pushed south along the Richelieu River towards Lake Champlain. Constructing a fleet on the lake, he sailed south and encountered a scratch-built American flotilla on October 11. Though he badly defeated Arnold at the Battle of Valcour Island, he elected not to follow up on the victory as he believed it too late in the season to push south. Though some in London praised his efforts, other criticized his lack of initiative. In 1777, he was outraged when command of the campaign south into New York was given to Major General John Burgoyne. Resigning on June 27, he was forced to remain for another year until his replacement arrived. In that time, Burgoyne was defeated and forced to surrender at the Battle of Saratoga. Guy Carleton - Commander in Chief: Returning to Britain in mid-1778, Carleton was appointed to the Commission of Public Accounts two years later. With the war going poorly and peace on the horizon, Carleton was selected to replace General Sir Henry Clinton as commander-in-chief of British forces in North America on March 2, 1782. Arriving at New York, he oversaw operations until learning in August 1783 that Britain intended to make peace. Though he attempted to resign, he was convinced to stay and oversaw the evacuation of British forces, Loyalists, and freed slaves from New York City. Guy Carleton - Later Career: Returning to Britain in December, Carleton began advocating for the creation of a governor general to oversee all of Canada. While these efforts were rebuffed, he was elevated to the peerage as Lord Dorchester in 1786, and returned to Canada as the governor of Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. He remained in these posts until 1796 when he retired to an estate in Hampshire. Moving to Burchetts Green in 1805, Carleton died suddenly on November 10, 1808, and was buried at St. Swithuns in Nately Scures. Selected Sources Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Sir Guy CarletonQuebec History: Guy Carleton

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Definition and Examples of a Persona in Literature

Definition and Examples of a Persona in Literature A persona is a voice or mask that an author, speaker, or performer puts on for a particular purpose. Plural: personae or personas. Persona comes from the Latin word meaning mask, and may also be referred to as an implied author or an artificial author. Author Katherine Anne Porter explained the relation between writing style and persona: A cultivated style would be like a mask. Everybody knows its a mask, and sooner or later you must show yourself - or at least, you show yourself as someone who could not afford to show himself, and so created something to hide behind (Writers at Work, 1963). Similarly, essayist E.B. White observed that writing is a form of imposture. Im not at all sure I am anything like the person I seem to a reader. Various Observations on Persona [L]ike the I of the lyric and of the real and invented autobiography, the I of the essayist is a mask.(Joseph P. Clancy, The Literary Genres in Theory and Practice. College English, April 1967)The artful I of an essay can be as chameleon as any narrator in fiction.(Edward Hoagland, What I Think, What I Am)He who speaks is not he who writes, and he who writes is not he who is.†(Roland Barthes, quoted by Arthur Krystal in Except When I Write. Oxford University Press, 2011)You may rely on it that you have the best of me in my books, and that I am not worth seeing personally - the stuttering, blundering, clod-hopper that I am.(Henry David Thoreau, letter to Calvin H. Greene, February 10, 1856)Writing is a form of imposture. Im not at all sure I am anything like the person I seem to a reader. . . .[T]he man on paper is always a more admirable character than his creator, who is a miserable creature of nose colds, minor compromises, and sudden flights into nobility. . . . I suppose r eaders who feel friendly toward someone whose work they like seldom realize that they are drawn more toward a set of aspirations than toward a human being.(E.B. White, Letters of E.B. White, ed. by Dorothy Lobrano Guth. Harper, 1976) [T]he person in a personal essay is a written construct, a fabricated thing, a character of sortsthe sound of its voice a byproduct of carefully chosen words, its recollection of experience, its run of thought and feeling, much tidier than the mess of memories, thoughts, and feelings arising in ones consciousness. . . . Indeed, when personal essayists write about self-embodiment in the essay, they often acknowledge an element of fabrication or of artful impersonation.(Carl H. Klaus, The Made-Up Self: Impersonation in the Personal Essay. University of Iowa Press, 2010) Perlman on Person and Persona Persona is the Latin word for the masks used in the Greek drama. It meant that the actor was heard and his identity recognized by others through the sounds that issued from the open mask mouth. From it the word person emerged to express the idea of a human being who meant something, who represented something, and who seemed to have some defined connectedness with others by action or affects. (We still use person to connote this: we say of an infant who begins to show awareness of self in relation to others, Hes becoming a person.) A person makes himself known, felt, taken in by others, through his particular roles and their functions. Some of his personae - his masks - are readily detachable and put aside, but others become fused with his skin and bone.(Helen Harris Perlman, Persona: Social Role and Personality. University of Chicago Press, 1986) Hemingway's Public Persona According to those who knew him well, Hemingway was a sensitive, often shy man whose enthusiasm for life was balanced by his ability to listen intently . . . That was not the Hemingway of the news stories. The media wanted and encouraged a brawnier Hemingway, a two-fisted man whose life was fraught with dangers. The author, a newspaper man by training, was complicit in this creation of a public persona, a Hemingway that was not without factual basis, but also not the whole man. Critics, especially, but the public as well, Hemingway hinted in his 1933 letter to [Maxwell] Perkins, were eager automatically to label Hemingways characters as himself, which helped establish the Hemingway persona, a media-created Hemingway that would shadow - and overshadow - the man and writer.(Michael Reynolds, Hemingway in Our Times. The New York Times, July 11, 1999) Borges and the Other Self It is to my other self, to Borges, that things happen. I walk about Buenos Aires and I pause, almost mechanically, to contemplate the arch of an entry or the portal of a church; news of Borges comes to me in the mail, and I see his name on a short list of professors or in a biographical dictionary. I am fond of hourglasses, maps, 18th-century typography, the etymology of words, the tang of coffee, and the prose of Stevenson; the other one shares these enthusiasms, but in a rather vain, theatrical way. . . .I cannot tell which one of us is writing this page.(Jorge Luis Borges, Borges and I)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

BlackBoard Online Learning Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BlackBoard Online Learning Environment - Essay Example I find flimsy the argument that we need the upgrade because "upgrades" can improve the system. If a system is already efficient and reliable, then there is no need to change the system. It is said that other universities have already implemented it making it necessary for us to follow suit. I say that this matter should not take on a fashionable nature. You don't just go on changing an online learning environment because others are doing so. I believe that we are free to decide for ourselves what course of action we should take. If, however, the administration still pushes thru with the project then they must charge it to the students at a lower price tag. I personally think that the $150 tag is way beyond what we expect of the price of an upgrade. One must remember that even upgrades for legitimately acquired software can be downloaded freely from the manufacturer's website. How come that the upgrade could cost so much Furthermore, considering the number of students availing of Blackboard, we find that the price tag is quite high leading us to speculate that it is becoming more of an income generating measure. Since I am talking about costs and the inappropriateness of the additional fee, let us discuss on the costs that the school will incur in availing of the upgrade.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Occupy Wall Street Movement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Occupy Wall Street Movement - Coursework Example This coursework follows a world-wide phenomenon, known as The Occupy Wall Street movement, that started in 2011 on September 17 on Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District. This movement spread across the 100 cities in the United States as well as 1500 cities globally. In this coursework the history, motives and effects of the movement are analyzed. The movement was intended to seriously question role of multinationals, corporate and banks in specific that have played significant role in causing the recession. The researcher focuses on the main single motive behind the movement of Wall Street, that was to force businesses and to balance the power across the board. This simple motive united many people of different social classes, celebrities and politicians. In this coursework the rising inequality in the United States topic was also well described as one of the movement's motives. The Occupy Wall Street movement erupted against inequality to support equal pay for everyone in the corporative structures regardless on their nationality, gender or skin color. In conclusion of the coursework, it's author states that the movement of Occupy Wall Street, despite celebrated its anniversary recently, seemed to fail and analyzes three possible answers as to why it happened. Hence, though OWS is still being supported by some people, it may only leave marks in the history as being one among the movements that might lead to world change but does not appear to sustain as single change driving movement.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay Example for Free

Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay â€Å"No one’s life is a smooth sail; we all come into stormy weather.† This statement has more truth to it than one may think. In life, everybody reaches a rough point, a point where the light at the end of the tunnel seems dim, or even nonexistent. But overcoming this adversity is what builds character. Accepting and prevailing over life’s obstacles are what separate strong, independent-minded and forward-thinking people from those who give up and avoid their problems. Anne Moody, author of Coming of Age in Mississippi, lived a life of great struggle in which she overcame adversity with great efforts and a dedicated heart and mind. As an African-American female, Anne Moody had one of the hardest battles to fight throughout her life. With limited rights as a woman and even further limitations due to race, she often found herself being subordinated by others. While in high school, she left her hometown of Centreville, Mississippi to spend the summer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. While there, she worked for a local woman, Mrs. Jetson, doing housework. After working for Mrs. Jetson for two weeks, Anne wished to collect her pay. When Anne found Mrs. Jetson’s house empty, she recalled â€Å"On Monday I did call the shoe store, and was told Mrs. Jetson had quit on Friday. I had never before felt so gypped in all my life. Out of all the women I had worked for this woman was the worst† (Moody 150). Anne had been cheated out of two weeks’ worth of pay. She was astonished at Mrs. Jetson’s audacity in failing to pay Anne what was rightfully hers. It was difficult to find jobs where she was treated with some dignity, and almost impossible to find ones where she was treated as her employer’s equal. Anne was forced to change jobs frequently on account of being disrespected and used. Although no scamming experience was as impactful on Anne as the one with Mrs. Jetson, Anne experienced similar situations in jobs she had prior and jobs she took afterward. The summer after being in Baton Rouge, Anne went back to Louisiana; this time she stayed in New Orleans. There, she managed to land a job in a chicken factory. What she expected to be a large, intricate, and somewhat clean workplace turned out to be a dreadful nightmare. To her shock, she found herself gutting freshly killed chickens for over ten hours a day  without gloves or proper sanitation whatsoever. Near the end of the day, Anne recollected her â€Å"face, arms, and clothes were splattered with blood and chicken shit. I got so disgusted at one point that I stood there and let about a dozen chickens half full of shit pass me by† (Moody 178). Along with the other factory workers, Anne is treated with the utmost disregard to dignity and sanitation. She is forced to work excruciatingly long hours for minimum wage, exposed to grotesque dead animals and susceptible to disease. Unfortunately, because the pay was better than most other jobs in the area, Anne was forced to stick with her factory work. She worked in the factory for a month, saving her money and gaining exposure to the various stations in the factory. Although she did make very good money under the circumstances, she was deeply affected by her work; for years she could not eat chicken and for the rest of her life she refused to eat boxed chicken. The challenge of going to work every morning knowing what she was going to endure was tough, but her willpower and need for money helped her push through. After high school, Anne applied to and attended Natchez College in Mississippi. During her second year, she was eating in the cafeteria on campus when she and a few other classmates found maggots in their food. Disgusted, she and her classmates stormed into the kitchen to find an explanation for the repulsive experience. She â€Å"knew exactly where the grits were kept from the time I had worked in the kitchen. I went straight to the pantry and saw that there was a big leak from the showers upstairs. The water was seeping right down onto the shelves† (Moody 256). Anne and her classmates boycotted the campus cafeteria and its food, refusing to yield until some sanitary fixes were implemented. The challenge here was finding other ways to stay fed. The students did not have enough money to last them more than a week or so, so eventually they all started back, one by one, to the cafeteria and its semi-sanitary food. Still repulsed, Anne refused to go back and began losing a lot of weight. She became so thin and hungry all the time that she resorted to writing her mother who brought her enough canned food to last the remainder of the semester. The challenge in staying fed with healthy, sanitary food was one which presented itself on a large scale for Anne at college and otherwise. Had she been unable to obtain food from  her family, she may have starved to the point of fainting or even death. Overcoming this challenge was just about a matter of life or death for Anne. One of Anne’s most prominent memories and experiences in her early life was during her college career when she participated in a sit-in in Woolworth. The idea of the sit-in was to sit calmly at a white lunch counter and ask for service; thus, blacks wanted to show they wished to be treated equally. Of course, doing such a thing drew a lot of attention in very little time, and soon after the sit-in began a large crowd formed in the restaurant. After the crowd of whites realized Anne and her fellow sit-in participants would not budge until they received service, â€Å"the mob started smearing us [sit-in participants] with ketchup, mustard, sugar, pies, and everything on the counter. Soon Joan and I were joined by John Salter, but the moment he sat down he was hit on the jaw with what appeared to be brass knuckles. Blood gushed from his face and someone threw salt into the open wound† (Moody 291). The violence that occurred at the sit-in that Anne and her friends had to endure is almost unimaginable. The absolute disrespect, degradation, and cruelty shown to blacks by whites is virtually unbelievable, yet Anne was faced with challenges like these almost every day. Amazingly, Anne was courageous, intelligent, and controlled enough not to fight back and to remain nonviolent no matter what violence was shown to her. Her ability to not fight fire with fire is remarkable, and helped her to overcome the adversity which she so often found herself facing.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Spiritual Growth in Siddhartha and the Movie (Film), Seven Years in Tibet :: comparison compare contrast essays

Spiritual Growth in Siddhartha and the Movie (Film), Seven Years in Tibet The novel Siddhartha and the film Seven Years in Tibet are both comparable. They have similar plots and can relate to each other in many different ways. There are many characters that almost have identical personalities. In addition, both the novel and the movie are based upon ideas of Buddhism. Throughout both the novel and the movie there are many connections that can be made to show how both of these stories relate. During the movie and the novel there are many similar themes. There are many examples that show compassion for all living creatures. Having respect for all living beings is a belief for Buddhists. In the movie, Heinrich was building a movie theatre for the Dalai Lama. The townspeople were helping them, but while they were digging they noticed earthworms were living there. It would be cruel for them to kill the earthworms; so in order to build the movie theatre they must remove all of the earthworms and put them somewhere else to live. In the novel, Siddhartha always had respect for nature. The river is an object that meant a great deal to him. Siddhartha could never disrespect the river because that is what helped him get further on his journey to enlightenment. In the beginning of the movie, Heinrich leaves his wife pregnant. He doesn't care that he put climbing before his responsibilities of having a family. This shows how cold and egocentric Heinrich was in the beginning of Seven Years in Tibet. Siddhartha also has a period in his life when he is egocentric. While Siddhartha was with the Samanas, all he cared about was his own well-being. The small portions of food he acquired from begging was only to feed himself. Siddhartha never offered anything to anyone else while he was traveling with the Samanas. There are many characters from both the movie and the novel that are alike. Siddhartha and Heinrich are both the main characters in which the story revolves around. They both are on a journey and grow throughout their trip. They learn what life truly means to each of them. Govinda and Peter are also two characters that are similar.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Native American Indians Essay

Indian Nations are sovereign governments, recognized in and hundreds of treaties with the U. S. President. The history of this continent’s original inhabitants encompasses a broad range of cultures and experiences. American Indians varied greatly from region to region, as did their reactions to European settlement. This website will delve into the vast and storied background of most tribes and seek to supply the visitors with as much knowledge as possible about the proud history of Native Americans. Please join us on this journey into the past, experience the present and dream about the future of the American Indian. When Columbus landed on the island of San Salvador in 1492 he was welcomed by a brown-skinned people whose physical appearance confirmed him in his opinion that he had at last reached India, and whom, therefore, he called Indios, Indians, a name which, however mistaken in its first application continued to hold its own, and has long since won general acceptance, except in strictly scientific writing, where the more exact term American is commonly used. As exploration was extended north and south it was found that the same race was spread over the whole continent, from the Arctic shores to Cape Horn, everywhere alike in the main physical characteristics, with the exception of the Eskimo in the extreme North, whose features suggest the Mongolian. Tribes and Nations Native Americans (American Indians) make up less than one percent of the total U. S. population but represent half the languages and cultures in the nation. The term â€Å"Native American† includes over 500 different groups and reflects great diversity of geographic location, language, socioeconomic conditions, school experience, and retention of traditional spiritual and cultural practices. However, most of the commercially prepared teaching materials available present a generalized image of Native American people with little or no regard for differences that exist from tribe to tribe. Mohawk (Iroquois): The Iroquois League, or Five Nations of the Iroquois, was the most powerful Indian military alliance in the eastern part of North America and probably the most successful alliance of any kind between so many important tribes. There were three principal clans – deer, turtle and wolf – existing within the five nations, and this was probably an important unifying factor in the league. The league was formed in the late sixteenth century at which time the five nations had a combined population of 7000. Mohican (Mohegan) and/or Mahican: What a confusion of facts. After reading through several texts and visiting many sites on the web, it has become clear as mud that everyone has a differing opinion about the relationships between these three tribes. We will therefore include them all on one page and maybe through your wanderings, you will discover the truth. If you do, please let us in on it. Creek: The Creek were originally one of the dominant tribes in the mid-south and later became known as one of the Five Civilized Tribes. They were known in their own language as Muskoke or Muskoge, by the Shawnee as Humaskogi, by the Delaware as Masquachki and by the British as the Ochese Creek Indians, hence the present name. Their name has been adapted for that of their linguistic group and for Muskogee, Oklahoma, which was a major city of the Creek Nation in Indian Territory. Cherokee: The Cherokee were one of the largest tribes in the Southeast and were among the earliest to adapt to European civilization. Their name is written Tsalagi in their own language, and they were called Chalakki by the Choctaw, whose language was the language of trade in the Southeast. Southwest Navajo (Dineh, Navaho): The Navajo tribe is the largest in the United States, with some 200,000 people occupying the largest and area reserved for Native Americans – 17 million acres in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. The word Navajo derives from the Spanish word for ‘people with big fields. ‘ At the time of the arrival of the white man they had developed agriculture, though on a smaller scale than the nearby Hopi and Pueblo peoples. The Navajo were less sedentary than the Hopi and Pueblo tribes, but more so than the Apache of the same region. Zuni: The Zuni, like the Hopi, were linguistically distinct from the Pueblo tribes but related to them culturally. The three groups, Zuni, Hopi and Pueblo, had several important characteristics in common. First of all, they lived in pueblos (Spanish for village), which were a composite of adobe houses, frequently interconnected and occasionally multistoried, much like a modern apartment complex. While each Pueblo tribe was associated with a single pueblo, the Hopi and Zuni were each associated with several, and not all members of these tribes lived in pueblos. Hopi: The Hopi, whose name comes from hopitu meaning ‘the peaceful ones,’ are traditionally associated culturally with the Zuni and with eht Pueblo Indians. All of these people live in pueblos or cities comprised of a complex of sometimes jultistoried, rectangular houses. The name pueblo drives from the Spanish word for ‘people’. The Hopi are descendants of people who migrated into the Southwest prior to 1000 BC. By 700 AD they had developed agriculture and were raising corn, beans, squash and cotton. By 1100 AD they had abandoned their aboriginal pit housed for multi-level adobe houses, and had founded cities at Oraibi and Mesa Verde. Yavapai: From prehistoric times, the Yavapai lived as hunters and gatherers practicing occasional agriculture on over nine million acres of central and western Arizona. The three primary groups of Yavapai maintained good relationships with each other and are now located at Ft. McDowell, Camp Verde and Prescott. The Yavapai are known for weaving excellent baskets, which are displayed in many museums. Apache: The Apache (from a Zuni word meaning â€Å"enemy†) are a North American Indian people of the Southwest. Their name for themselves is Inde, or Nde (â€Å"the people†). The major nomadic tribe in the American Southwest, the Apache, was also the Last major tribe to surrender to government control in the 1880s Plains Kiowa: The Kiowa name is derived from kai-gwa, meaning ‘principal people,’ and legend has it that they originated in the Yellowstone River country of central Montana. In the eighteenth century, having obtained horses, they moved onto the plains to hunt buffalo. During this time they made alliances with both the Kiowa-Apache as well as their former enemies, the Comanche. This latter association was the basis for the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation formed in Indian Territory in 1892. The Kiowa are noted for having kept a written history. This historical record was kept in the form of a pictographic calendar painted and updated twice a year, in winter and summer, on buffalo skins. Pawnee (Pani, Pana, Panana, Panamaha, Panimaha): The Pawnee name may have derived from Caddoan pariki, meaning ‘horn,’ a reference to the peculiar manner inwhich the tribe wore the scalplock. The Paunee lived in established villages similar to those of the Mandan. They practiced agriculture but also hunted buffalo on the plains part of the year. They had a complex religion unrelated to other Plains tribes that included offering female captives as a sacrifice to ensure abundant crops. Comanche: The Comanche are an offshoot of the Shoshone and one of several numanic speaking tribes. They are linguistically related to the Shoshone, Ute and Paiute, whose language is remotely related to Aztec. Their name comes from the Spanish camino ancho, which means â€Å"wide trail. † They once lived in the Rocky Mountains near the Shoshone, but migrated to the plains to hunt buffalo. Though they became nomadic Plains Indians, they still maintained good relations with the Shoshone. Osage (Wazhazhe): Closely related to the Omaha, Kansa, Quopaw and Ponca, the Osage are thought to have once lived in the Ohio River valley, but they were first encountered by the white man in Missouri, where they were recorded as having large cornfields. They usually lived in earth lodges, but when on hunting trips to the northern plains in search of buffalo, they carried and used the plains tipi. Great Lakes Miami (Maumee, Twightwee): The Miami, whose name comes from the Chippewa omaumeg, or ‘people who live on the peninsula,’ first came into contact with white men in 1658 near Green Bay, Wisonsin, but they soon withdrew to the headwaters of the Fox River and later to the headwaters of the Wabash and Maumee rivers. The Miami had good relations with the French, with whom they were allied. They were also closely associated with the Piankashaw, who were once thought to be part of the Miami tribe. Huron (Wyandot): The name Wyandot (or Wendat) is Iroquoian for ‘people of the peninsula,’ a reference to a peninsula in sourthern Ontario eas of Lake Huron where they originally lived. Their population was estimated at 20,000 in 1615 when first encountered by the French under Samuel de Champlain, who referred to them as Huron (‘bristly-headed ruffian’). The first Wyandot groups inthe region probably arrived in the early fourteenth century. In addition to maize, the Wyandot raised beans, squash, sunflowers and tobacco. Ottawa: The name Ottawa is derived from the Algonquian adawe, meaning ‘to trade,’ an apt name for the tribe, who had an active trading relationship with the related Chippewa and Potawatomi as well as other tribes of the region. Like the Chippewa, they built birch bark canoes and harvested wild rice. Ottawa Chief Pontiac rose by 1755 as one of the most important Indian leaders of the era. Ojibwa (Chippewa): To end any confusion, the Ojibwa and Chippewa are not only the same tribe, but the same word pronounced a little differently due to accent. If an â€Å"O† is placed in front of Chippewa (O’chippewa), the relationship becomes apparent. Ojibwa is used in Canada, although Ojibwa west of Lake Winnipeg are sometime referred to as the Saulteaux. In United States, Chippewa was used in all treaties and is the official name. The Chippewas were the largest and most powerful tribe in the Great Lakes country, with a range that extended from the edge of Iroquois territory in the Northeast to the Sioux-dominated Great Plains. Both of these major tribes were traditional Chippewa rivals, but neither was powerful enough to threaten the Chippewa heartland, where the Chippewa was master. The tribe used the lakes and rivers of the region like a vast highway network, and developed the birch bark canoe into one of the continent’s major means of transportation. Northwest Nez Perce: Nez Perce is a misnomer given by the interpreter of the Lewis and Clark expedition team of 1805. The French translate it as â€Å"pierced nose. † This is untrue as the Nee-me-poo did not practice nose piercing or wearing ornaments. The â€Å"pierced nose† people lived on the lower Columbia River and throughout other parts of the Northwest. The famous indian chief and leader, Chief Joseph, was of the Nez Perce. Flathead (Salish): The Flathead, a subgroups of the Spokane tribes, were given their name from a custom common to many Salishan people of practicing head deformation by strapping their infants to hard cradleboards. This flattened the back of the head and made the top appear more round. The Flathead, conversely, did not practice head flattening, and therefore the tops of their heads were flatter than those of the other Salishan people, hence the name. Blackfoot (Siksika): The Blackfoot are one of the several numanic-speaking tribes, and were historically allied with the nomadic Atsina. Ther were the archetypal Plains Indians, for whom the buffalo provided nearly all their needs, from food to clothing to leather for their tipis. Shoshone (Shoshoni): The Shoshone were the most wide-ranging of the Great Basin tribes, with a habitat that stretched from the eastern Oregon desert to southern Colorado. They were closely related to the Bannock, Gosiute, Paiute and Ute, with whom they shared these lands and with shown there was a good deal of intermarriage. Kwakiutl: The Kwakiutl were one of the major tribes of the Northwest Coast and once encompassed other nearby tribes such as the Bella Bella, Kitimat, Makah and Nootka, with whom they are linguistically related. Their villages were typical of the Northwest Coast, with large cedar plank houses and intricately carved totem poles, representing the animals with whom a particular family might be religiously associated. Works Cited â€Å"Rebuilding Native American Communities† by Don Coyhis & Richard Simonelli, Child Welfare, Mar/Apr 2005 (15 pages). â€Å"Native American Feminism, Sovereignty, and Social Change† by Andrea Smith, Feminist Studies, Spring 2005 (17 pages). â€Å"The Paradox of Native American Indian Intellectualism and Literature† by Kathryn Winona Shanley, MELUS, Fall/Winter 2004 (20 pages). â€Å"American Indian History as Continuing Story† by Peter Iverson, Historian, Fall 2004 (8 pages). â€Å"Anti-colonial Strategies for the Recovery and Maintenance of Indigenous Knowledge† by Leanne R. Simpson, American Indian Quarterly, Summer/Fall 2004 (12 pages). â€Å"Sovereignty: The Rhetoric v. The Reality† by Paul Boyer, Tribal College Journal, Fall 2004 (4 pages). â€Å"Developing an Effective Approach to Strategic Planning for Native American Indian Reservations† by Nicholas Zaferatos, Space & Polity, April 2004 (18 pages). â€Å"Ethnogeography and the Native American Past† by James Carson Taylor, Ethnohistory, Fall 2002 (20 pages). â€Å"Indigenous Identity† by Hillary N. Weaver, American Indian Quarterly, Spring 2001 (16 pages) â€Å"What We Want to be Called? † by Michael Yellow Bird, American Indian Quarterly, Spring 1999 (21 pages) â€Å"Native American Population Pattern† by Mathew J. Shumway, Geographical Review, April 1995 (17 pages) . The North American Indian Jewelry and Adornment (Harry N. Abrams, 2003) Native American: A History in Pictures (DK Adult, 2000) Atlas of North American History (Checkmark Books, 2000) We Are Still Here: American Indians in the Twentieth Century (Harlan Davidson Inc. 1998) The Native Americans: The Indigenous People of North America (Advanced Marketing Services, 1999) Through Indian Eyes: The Untold Story of Native American Peoples (Reader’s Digest Association, 1995) Dictionary of Native American Mythology by Gill, Sam D and Sullivan, Irene F (ABC-Clio, 1992) Exiled in the land of the free: Democracy, Indian nations, and the U. S. Constitution (Clear Light Publishers, 1991) The Native American Experience (Facts on File, 1991). The great father: the United States government and the American Indians by Prucha, Francis Paul (University of Nebraska Press,1986) Voices of the Winds: Native American Legends by Edmonds, Margot and Clark, Ella Elizabeth (Facts on File, 1989) Atlas of the North American Indians by Waldman, Carl (Facts on File, 1984) Changes in the Land: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England (Hill & Wang, 1983) The Talking stone: An anthology of native American tales and legends (Greenwillow Books, New York, 1979) The Indians of the southeastern United States by Swanton, John Reed (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979)

Sunday, November 10, 2019


To promote, and thereby support inclusive decision making as a collaborative and empowering process, which is fully attentive to the individual's perspective and to the views of the primary career. To enable and support the positive management Of risks where this is fully endorsed by the multi-disciplinary team as having positive outcomes. C] To promote and enhance safer working environments. C] To provide a shared theoretically sound basis for multi-agency training and or the monitoring and auditing of service responses.C] To promote the adoption by all staff of ‘defensible decisions' rather than ‘defensive decisions'. 1. 3 Review of this Guide: The Guide will be reviewed annually. The next review will take place in September 2011. Page 4 Of 38 2. Introduction 2. 1 The saying â€Å"nothing ventured, nothing gained† makes the point that unless someone takes a risk and tries new activities, they will never know of the positive benefits that might result. In our soci ety, people are encouraged to travel widely, take part in regular leisure and sporting activities, go to college, evolve careers and have families.These are all activities that don't just happen, but mean people have to take risks to achieve their aspirations. 2. 2 For many people taking risks is an accepted part of life. However people with a disability and older people are often discouraged from taking risks, either because of their perceived limitations or fear that they or others might be harmed. 2. 3 Changes in society's attitude towards disability, social care and health policy now mean that people with a disability and older people are being actively encouraged to increase their independence in their daily activities and sections about the services they receive.The focus is now more on enhancing people's abilities rather than concentrating on their disabilities. 2. 4 â€Å"Historically, social care has been good at providing services that minimized risk. However, personaliza tion means that in the future Social Care (and Health Services) have to work towards providing choices rather than services. † 1 2. 5 This Guide is concerned with setting out the approach that the Isle of Wight Council and PACT expect its staff to adopt towards the issue of risk when they work with adults with a disability and older people. 6 When implementing this Guide in day-to-day practice, the Isle of Wight Council and PACT recognize that any risk-taking approach must be balanced with their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding adults and children, care standards and health and safety legislation. 2. 7 In addition, whilst this Guide Will encourage the Council's leisure, sport and cultural services to work with social care services and their users around the issue of risk, it should not lead them to feel they have to individually risk assess every person who use their services outside of their duty of care awards all consumers.We recognize that to do so WOUld be bot h impractical and potentially discriminatory. However there may be circumstances in which some services provided may need to assess the risk to an individual. They will explain their justification for Safeguarding Adults: A consultation on the review of the â€Å"no secrets guidance†: DOD / Dignity and Safety / Lucy Abandoner – 14 October 2008 Page 5 of 38 this and do everything practical to enable the individual's inclusion in the activities in which they want to take part. 2. The Council and Pact's Services will also endeavourer through their impassioning arrangements and Service Level Agreements to encourage the individuals, agencies and set-vices it funds, or with which it contracts, to manage risks positively. 2. 9 The Guide will support the Council and PACT to fulfill their responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005 and the Mental capacity Act 2005. The Mental capacity Act 2005 and its code of practice provides a statutory framework f or people who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves.The Guide supports the Human Rights Act 1998 as it empowers people make decisions for themselves where possible and places individuals at the heart of the decision making process. 2. 10 The Local Authority and PACT owe a duty of care to all their service users. Any risk taking has potential legal implications in negligence. However, these can be minimized where there is a positive approach which generates a clear trail of written records showing the issues and solutions which have been considered, and there is an explicit and justifiable rationale for risk management decisions. 2. 1 The fundamental principle of this Guide is that support is provided to individuals to enable them to receive personalized care / support that meets heir needs regardless of their disability, age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexuality. This also applies to people with a particular medical or psychiatric diagnosis. This support must exist with in a framework of risk assessment and management that is collaborative, transparent and enabling. Page 6 of 38 3. What is risk? 3. 1 Risk is the possibility that an event will occur with harmful outcomes for a particular person or others with whom they come into contact. . 2 A risk event can have harmful outcomes because of: L] risks associated with impairment or disability such as falls C health notations or mental health problems C] accidents, for example, whilst out in the community or at a social care / us port service risks associated with everyday activities that might be increased by a person's impairment or disability C] the use of medication C] the misuse of drugs or alcohol C] behaviors resulting in injury, neglect, abuse, and exploitation by self or others C] self harm, neglect or thoughts of suicide.L] aggression and violence CLC poor planning or service management 3. 3 The type of outcome depends on the nature of the person, their relationships tit others and the circum stances in which they find themselves. 3. 4 Risk is often thought of in terms of danger, loss, threat, damage or injury. But as well as potentially negative characteristics, risk-taking can have positive benefits for individuals and their communities. 3. 5 Risk can be minimized by the support of others, who can be staff, family, friends, etc.However, in promoting independence, individual responsibility for taking risks must be a balance between safeguarding someone from harm and enabling them to lead a more independent life where they effectively manage risks themselves. . 6 A balance therefore has to be achieved between the desire of people to do everyday activities with the duty of care owed by services and employers to their staff and to users of services, and the legal duties of statutory and community services and independent providers.As well as considering the dangers associated with risk, the potential benefits of risk-taking have to be identified (nothing ventured, nothing gained'). This should involve everyone affected – adults who use services, their families and practitioners. Page 7 of 38 4. What is ‘managing risk positively? 4. 1 Managing risk positively' is: weighing up the potential benefits and harms of exercising one choice of action over another, identifying the potential risks involved, and developing plans and actions that reflect the positive potential and stated priorities of the service user.It involves using available resources and support to achieve the desired outcomes, and minimizing the potential harmful outcomes. It is not negligent ignorance of the potential risks†¦ It is usually a very carefully thought out strategy for managing a specific situation or set of circumstances. † (Steve Morgan, 2004)2 . For community based services, this means: C] empowering people C] working in partnership with adults who use services or direct their own support, family career and advocates 0 developing an understanding of t he responsibilities of each party 0 helping people to access opportunities and take worthwhile chances CLC developing trusting working relationships 0 helping adults who use services to learn from their experiences 0 understanding the consequences of different actions 0 making decisions based on all the choices available and accurate information L] being positive about potential risksC] understanding a person's strengths C] knowing what has worked or not in the past L] where problems have arisen, understanding why C] ensuring support and advocacy is available to all users of services, particularly if things begin to go wrong for someone sometimes tolerating supported short-term risks in consultation with the service user, for long-term gains 2 Morgan, S. (2004). Positive risk-taking: an idea whose time has come.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Designer Baby Research Paper Example

Designer Baby Research Paper Example Designer Baby Paper Designer Baby Paper A designer baby is defined in the dictionary to be a baby developing from an embryo created In-vitro fertilization and selected because It had or lacked particular genes, the genetic makeup often having been modified by genetic engineering. This term Is simply referring to the newly scientific developed process providing a chance that would enable parents to genetically modify their child whilst it is still in the form of an embryo. The overall idea on this topic that is being raised at this present moment is the discussion of whether or not to permit people to determine their childrens ones, which would help Immensely in lowering the risks of various diseases. The positives are endless for It may help parents rid a hereditary disease, or provide chance for saving a child that may need a bone marrow transfer, to the less extreme ideas of being able to determine the sex of your child as well as the color of their eyes and hair. Although despite the positives there are various negatives that need to be taken into perspective and be properly analyses. The three major categories for the negatives are the moral and ethical, social, and health concerns. The controversy n the Issue Is considering all possible factors that can occur If they give the go on designer babies In Australia, not only do they have the positives and negatives In front of them but some evidence and real life results that will help them reach a concise conclusion. First let us assess the positives involved with designer babies. One that is widely viewed to be one of the main positives that come from this process Is the fact that for some parents by choosing their childs genes they will be able to eliminate the chances of Inheriting a disease which may be common throughout the history of heir family tree. By the end of 2001 it was recorded that there was the successful birth of at least 30 genetically modified babies in the US. The process consisted of the offspring carrying DNA from three parents two parts of the genetic material was from women and the third from a male. The initial motivation for the US scientists in doing it was the high rates of mitochondria disease that many children seemed to be suffering from and by around the age of 10 they were either producing mild or devastating symptoms. The stance put on genetically modified babies Is divided for It s believed to be ethically wrong but then there are the endless possibilities of this scientific discovery eradicating into something further as the study, research and trials progress. The world could seriously be looking at the solution that may one day eradicate this world from disease; these points are very optimistic but just think of where we are today and the advances we have already made In this research, who can even begin to imagine where It may lead us to with In the next 50 years or so. Furthermore the prospects that genetically modified babies provide for future billings that may be in desperate need of help. Another positive outcome from this procedure would mean that less money would needed to be spent for medical treatments for the future. By the means of less money needed to be devoted to the health It would enable us as a community o developments within the community that may require some extra attention. Overall not only would families benefit but the economical status of the community and the progression of being able to move forward in developing a more wider, diverse and knowledgeable community. It is believed that through the advances that have been made in the research of genetically modified babies that scientists will now be able to provide families that have a child who suffers from a particular disease take cancer for example. This child is in a desperate need for a bone marrow transfer but there is no match but through the scientific process of genetically modified babies scientists would be able to create an exact match for this child and therefore result in saving a childs life whilst having created another. In the movie My Sisters Keeper, which was first a book written by Jodi Piccolo presents the story of a family who had a daughter that was in desperate need of a bone marrow or otherwise she would die. Through her parents determination to save their daughters life they work with doctors to successfully create a match for Kate. Once Anna was born she was required to donate various parts from her body to help her sister. However as Anna grew older she began to question her parents decision, which resulted in her filing a lawsuit against her parents. Despite all the positives genetically modified babies poses there are also any negatives and repercussions that we first need to face. On the other hand we as a society need to weigh up both the positives and negatives that may be evoked if we went ahead with allowing parents to choose their childs genes. The main moral and ethical concerns that revolve around this issue is the questioning of are we playing too much of a role as God in undertaking this process? Also the fact that in order to create a genetically modified baby they actually have to kill off some embryos which is viewed as that those embryos that they have Just stored to help create one being could also have grown and developed into humans. It is pointed out that by some scholars such as George Nanas who was reviewed in an article called The Prospect of Designer Babies: Is it Inevitable, which is an article that has focused on exploring the factors involved within designer babies her is a part from the article which helps support the Moral and Ethical stance on the issue. From a more ethical outlook, some scholars claim that altering a childs genes before he or she is born would be a violation of rights, and it would sacrifice redeems, promote competition, and accentuate hierarchy (Sprier 1809). R. E. Sprier, in analysis of works by Francis Fauvism and Gregory Stock, explains that we would lose a sense of humanity. We would become cowboys, or functional cowboys, with extrapolate electromechanical devices to improve senses and organs (Sprier 1807). Fauvism asks us to look into three issues when considering genetic engineering: the right of a human to be a human; the dignity of a human, which would be lessened by deliberate genetic manipulation; and the preservation of unman nature (Sprier 1809). See more at: http://pit]urinal. UNC. Deed/article/ prospect-designer-babies-it-inevitable#stash. Yachted. Duff Standing and the further gap it would evoke within the community. While taking on board the possible consequences of designer babies one that has stood to mind is the fact that as this process is very dear it would only be a viable option for the more richer families as opposed to the poorer ones, not only does this further outline the differences it would lead to a social scale where the poor were always on the bottom ND the richer up on top. Some of the most challenging moral and ethical questions about a license to design babies concern the societies it might lead to. The movie Cataract depicts a future in which genetically enhanced people take the lead, viewing enhanced people as fit only to clean up after them. Liberal democracy is a cooperative venture in which all are seen as having something to offer. 17 Will genetic enhancement bring this social arrangement to an end, creating societies in which enhanced people are viewed by their genetic superiors in much the same way that e currently view chimpanzees, suitable for drug testing and zoo exhibits but little else? See more at: Concessionaires. Org/biotech/agar. HTML It is believed that the process of genetically modified babies may lead to them acting more superior to their peers and feel as though that they are as important as the Queen which would most likely result problematically and cause issues for the children that families have either chose not to have them modified or cannot afford it. The other major concern for the scientists and health professionals are the many fatty concerns t hat is involved with the process and also the fact that this is still a very new development and hasnt had major amounts of practice. Three of the concerns include the fact that it can lead to OCHS which means Ovarian Hyper- stimulation Syndrome, that some lab technology may effect the embryo during biopsy causing the embryo damage, and also the removal of eight-cell embryos has its implications for the well-being of people that are created by PEG or in other words Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. Through research and testing on various animals t was shown that Animal clones suffer from a variety of problems that some scientists connect with incomplete reprogramming of somatic cell DNA or damage inflicted by the process of nuclear transfer. Human clones may also suffer from these problems See more at Concessionaires. Org/biotech/agar. HTML Therefore there are many considerations that need to be taken into consideration first. After having outlined some of the negatives and positives of designer babies there are still many that scientists and health professionals need to analysis and further explore these factors. As well as being provided with the ability to conduct further experiments in order to gain evidence on this particular process. The idea of permitting parents to genetically modify their child is going to be a long process before anything is allowed to take place. Despite this slow and long process there is no doubt amongst experts that within the near future or so we will be well on the way to having all of our future children genetically modified in an attempt to eradicate the chances of disease and illness throughout ones life time.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Facts About Carbon

10 Facts About Carbon One of the most important elements for all living things is carbon. Carbon is the element with atomic number 6 and element symbol C. Here are 10 interesting carbon facts for you: Carbon is the basis for organic chemistry, as it occurs in all living organisms. The simplest organic molecules consist of carbon chemically bonded to hydrogen. Many other common organics also include oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.Carbon is a nonmetal that can bond with itself and many other chemical elements, forming over ten million compounds. Because it forms more compounds than any other element, it is sometimes called the King of the Elements.Elemental carbon can take the form of one of the hardest substances (diamond) or one of the softest (graphite).Carbon is made in the interiors of stars, although it was not produced in the Big Bang. Carbon is made in giant and supergiant stars via the triple-alpha process. In this process, three helium nuclei fuse. When a massive star turns into a supernova, carbon scatters and can be incorporated into next-generation stars and planets.Carbon compounds have limitless uses. In its elemental form, diamond is a gemstone and used for drilling/cutting; graphite is used in pencils, as a lubricant, and to protect against rust; while charcoal is used to remove toxins, tastes, and odors. The isotope Carbon-14 is used in radiocarbon dating. Carbon has the highest melting/sublimation point of the elements. The melting point of diamond is ~3550 °C, with the sublimation point of carbon around 3800 °C. If you baked a diamond in an oven or cooked it in a frying pan, it would survive unscathed.Pure carbon exists free in nature and has been known since prehistoric time. While most elements known since ancient time only exist in one allotrope, pure carbon forms graphite, diamond, and amorphous carbon (soot). The forms look very different from each other and display dissimilar properties. For example, graphite is an electrical conductor while diamond is an insulator. Other forms of carbon include fullerenes, graphene, carbon nanofoam, glassy carbon, and Q-carbon (which is magnetic and fluorescent).The origin of the name carbon comes from the Latin word carbo, for charcoal. The German and French words for charcoal are similar.Pure carbon is considered non-toxic, although inhalation of fine particles, such as soot, can damage lung tissue. Graphite and charcoal are considered safe enough to eat. While non-toxic to humans, carbon nanoparticles are deadly to fruit flies. Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe (hydrogen, helium, and oxygen are found in higher amounts, by mass). It is the 15th most abundant element in the Earths crust. More Carbon Facts Carbon usually has a valence of 4, which means each carbon atom can form covalent bonds with four other atoms. The 2 oxidation state is also seen in compounds such as carbon monoxide.Three isotopes of carbon occur naturally. Carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable, while carbon-14 is radioactive, with a half-life of around 5730 years. Carbon-14 is formed in the upper atmosphere when cosmic rays interact with nitrogen. While carbon-14 occurs in the atmosphere and living organisms, it is almost completely absent from rocks. There are 15 known carbon isotopes.Inorganic carbon sources include carbon dioxide, limestone, and dolomite. Organic sources include coal, oil, peat, and methane clathrates.Carbon black was the first pigment used for tattooing. Ãâ€"tzi the Iceman has carbon tattoos that endured through his life and are still visible 5200 years later.The amount of carbon on Earth is fairly constant. It is transformed from one form to another via the carbon cycle. In the carbon cycle, pho tosynthetic plants take carbon from air or seawater and convert it into glucose and other organic compounds via the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis. Animals eat some of the biomass and exhale carbon dioxide, returning carbon to the atmosphere. Sources Deming, Anna (2010). King of the elements?. Nanotechnology. 21 (30): 300201. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/21/30/300201Lide, D. R., ed. (2005). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (86th ed.). Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5.Smith, T. M.; Cramer, W. P.; Dixon, R. K.; Leemans, R.; Neilson, R. P.; Solomon, A. M. (1993). The global terrestrial carbon cycle. Water, Air, Soil Pollution. 70: 19–37. doi:10.1007/BF01104986Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Feasibility Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Feasibility Study - Essay Example As a direct function of this, a litany of different programs and initiatives have been discussed and analyzed as a means of promoting health and healthful living to these young members of society. It has become painfully evident within the past several years that school programs alone art ineffective as a means of promoting such a change. In such a way, it is the belief and recommendation of this particular author that one of the most successful means by which a reduction in childhood obesity can be accomplished is with regards to utilizing many of the government owned and community operated playgrounds and parks as community centers that during key times of the week offer play activities, exercise, and help instruction to both parents and their children as a means of seeking to affect a positive influence upon the overall level of obesity that is noted within current society. Establishment of Feasibility: Ultimately, the low startup cost that is engendered with regards to the specif ic plan is one of the reasons that make it highly feasible for startup. Moreover, as the facilities already exist within the extant environment, it is not necessary for such a program to purchase and/or outfit a new or existing facility as a means of hosting such programs/courses (Landow & Ebdon, 2012). Furthermore, as has been mentioned briefly in the introduction, the overall need and demand for such programs has only increased as the overall incidence of childhood and adolescent obesity has subsequently increase within the environment. Accordingly, from a cursory overview of existing programs, both state and private, it can be inferred that a deficit in supply for such programs exists within the current market as compared to the demand. Naturally, the overall feasibility goes far beyond the place required to perform such programs and/or the level of interest that might be exhibited within the community (Liessmann, 1987). A litany of other startup costs and potential problems that must be face will be discussed in a certain level of length within the preceding sections. Competitor Analysis: One unique factor of the current market with regards to programs specifically targeting the exercise and health of adolescent to struggle with obesity is the fact that these almost invariably leverage government funding and operate as a public partnership. Although such a business model almost invariably defines the current market, it is the belief of this analysis that a public/private partnership could effectively leverage many of the existing strengths of current demand without necessarily reducing the overall level of demand that might be exhibited. Whereas the broad majority of these programs for public, private entities of also sought to engage with the need that is been reference; however, the degree and extent to which this unable to be accomplished has been limited due to the aforementioned limiting factors of purchasing a specific place and outfitting it to meet the needs of the stakeholders concerned. Financing One particular aspect of the public-private partnership that has been discussed above which will be beneficial is with regards to the issue of financing. Previous ventures into this field have noted that it is difficult if not impossible to achieve a level of sufficient funding based solely upon the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Court Justices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Court Justices - Research Paper Example Answer: The courtroom funds refer to the funds that raised through the money shared by the law firms and litigants having an interest in the state court. The Democratic challengers and Republican incumbents in order to defeat the opposite candidate raise courtroom funds. In this regard, the Democratic challengers raised 69% courtroom funds whereas its incumbent raised 65%; therefore, the former surpassed the latter. Answer: Yes, I agree that distinguishing line between the role of a judge and that of a politician has become blurred for many citizens. The reason for such occurrence is that the judges are elected through campaigning and raising funds, which is also the way politicians are elected. A judge is a person who has to give an impartial and fair judgement to curb menace and encourage fairness in the world. Politicians, on the contrary, are the people who convince the public that they are the true leaders for their nation/state. However, the judges are chosen through the biased fund raising practices. The law firms (corporate defense and plaintiffs) form the largest fund raisers having their cases on the judge’s table. As a result, the judges are not selected through an impartial and fair process that thickly shadows their original role in providing justice to the victim. Answer: I would choose judge for the Supreme Court of Texas through the process of screening test, interview and demonstration test. In this case, each candidate will have to pass a screening test related to written examination. Once cleared, the short listed candidates will have to appear for an interview. Only five candidates will be short listed from the interviews who will later appear for a demonstration test where the individuals and the institutions will all be present to ask complex questions from the screened candidates. Finally, a voting process will take place to select the final candidate. This process is fair and impartial

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Balanced Scorecard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Balanced Scorecard - Essay Example Although organizations measured their performance even before emergence of the balanced scorecard, they did not know how to implement new strategies. The balanced scorecard has evolved in its functionality to embrace translation of company strategies into action. The balance scorecard seeks to operationalize organizational strategy towards achieve desired outcomes. In this case, the balance scorecard ensures that the organization realizes its vision and mission through mobilization of resources and utilizing them in line with corporate objectives and goals, both short term and long term. Through the balanced scorecard, an organization can assess the current performance situation, as well as any feedback available from previous performance, and updating corporate strategies in such a manner that it effectively eliminates any bottlenecks available. This paper will discuss the adoption of Balanced Scorecard by contemporary organizations, and more specifically, the role of Balanced Scorecard in translating strategies to action as well as its role as a strategic management accounting technique. Translating Strategy into Action The Balanced Scorecard helps translate an organizations strategy and vision into a comprehensive set of measures and metrics to performance. This functionality puts into practice four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard that include customer knowledge, financial measures, learning and growth, and internal organizational processes. This functionality particularly offers a balance between the company’s desired outcomes and their performance drivers, long term and short-term objectives, alongside objective outcomes. In addition, the balance scorecard has been used by managers as a revolutionary tool that enables them to mobilize their resources and strongholds to achieve the mission of the organization. The Balanced Scorecard appears as a management system that is applicable in channeling abilities, energies, advanced knowledge among its employees towards company objectives and long-term goals. The balanced score card is basically applicable in translating strategies put in pl ace by companies into performance measures that are comprehensive to the targets and achievement needs of the organization as a whole with respects to the complex environments in which they operate (Kaplan &Norton, 1996, p.2). Use of Balanced Scorecard for Strategy translation application to action has been evident among senior executives in banking, insurance, retailing, and oil industries to streamline current performance and target their future performance needs. Strategy translation focuses on effective and efficient use of a company’s intangible assets to spearhead the long-term financial success and value creation of the company through financial and non-financial perspectives. Growth and learning regards individual employees and the entire organizational human resource alongside cross-departmental initiatives to identify efficient new processes that would enable the organizations to meet customer needs and objectives of shareholders (Holl & Bohm, 2005, p.15). The Balan ced Scorecard is applicable as a learning system that is robust for testing the current situation, accessing situational feedback and updating ideal strategies fit for shortcomings of previous organizations functionality. However, strategy translation to action using the Balanced Scorecard is not completely ignorant of the steps that organizational managers use to build a tailored balanced scorecard.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Eccentric and Concentric Bench Press Comparison

Eccentric and Concentric Bench Press Comparison Introduction Resistance training is an exercise modality that can be defined as a movement working against an external load resulting in physical adaptations (McArdle, Katch Katch, 2014). It is utilised by many as a means of increasing muscular strength, improving athletic performance, reducing the risk of injury and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. An average resistance training programme would incorporate a variety of static and dynamic movements whilst under an external load (Jones, 2009). Whilst the muscles are static, the fibres are in a fixed state and no change in length occurs. However, in a dynamic movement muscles go through a shortening and lengthening process. The concentric phase involving the shortening of muscle fibres, and the eccentric phase involving the lengthening of the fibres. Current literature proposes that eccentric and concentric training illicit different training responses and therefore could produce different muscular adaptations (Rosete et al. 2015). Although there are a variety of methods to provide resistance in a training sense, traditional exercises involve moving a load in opposite directions (i.e. push/pull) where there is a shortening (Concentric) and subsequent lengthening of the muscles (Eccentric). Proske (2001) describes the concentric phase as the actions that initiate movement, whereas the eccentric phase slows movement or brings it to a halt. Some research indicates that muscles acting in an eccentric fashion produce more force than when working concentrically. Other research shows eccentric movements have different fatigue patterns to concentric movements which could explain their apparent superiority. The intended purpose of this proposal is to quantify if concentric bench press yields less strength than eccentric bench press, measured via a 1 rep max max test. Literature Review As previously defined, resistance training is movement working against an external load resulting in physical adaptations. The health benefits of resistance training are widely documented with most of the literature reporting on musculoskeletal adaptations. Recently there has been an emergence of literature detailing other outcomes of resistance exercise such as benefits for metabolic disease (Jurca, 2005), bone density health (Lohman et al, 2003), all-cause mortality (Metter et al, 2002), mobility (Janssen et al, 2002) and quality of life (Levinger et al, 2007). Furthermore, resistance training provides a means of exercise for people whose current cardio vascular based regimes such as jogging or swimming have become too difficult. Based on these findings, resistance exercise is now considered an imperative component of a regular training program. The eccentric phase of a muscle action is when the force generate by a muscle is inferior to the external load. This is characterised by a lengthening of the muscle even though an actin-myosin cross bridge is formed. In this instance when actin separates from myosin it is regarded as a mechanical separating rather than chemical (Flint Hurst, 1978). In contrast, a concentric muscle action involves the actin filaments being pulled over the myosin filaments as the muscle shortens. This is commonly known as the Sliding Filament Theory (SFT).ÂÂ   SFT refers to the movement of actin and myosin sliding over one and other. (Baechle Earle, 2000). Cross bridges are separated through the splitting of an Adenosine Tri Phosphate molecule, thus making it a chemical reaction rather than mechanical. This is a more energy dependant process and should result in less trauma to the muscles. Eccentric muscle action, when used in a resistance training setting has been shown to improve neural activation (Enoka, 1996), muscular strength (Hortobagyi, 1996) and increase muscle size (Vikne et al, 2006). Enoka (1996) goes on to suggest that muscles become more resistant to fatigue when working eccentrically. Placing emphasis on the eccentric phase of an exercise has been proven in some studies to be effective at improving strength than an even split of eccentric/concentric (Brandenburg Docherty, 2002). Research has been conducted to examine the physiological and metabolic effects of concentric actions versus eccentric muscle actions. A study by Hollander et al, (2008) examined if contraction type (Eccentric/Concentric) or load (Absolute/Relative) has a greater metabolic impact on resistance exercise. Seven resistance trained men were included in the study. Their concentric 1 rep max determined for several exercises then their 1 rep max for eccentric was estimated at 20% greater. On completion of the initial 1 rep max testing, participants completed a further 2 bouts of maximum lifts in a random order: concentric only lift and an eccentric only lift. They were then assessed on rating of perceived exertion, pain rating and heart rate. Tests were conducted to take samples of blood PRE/POST exercise, and 15 minutes after exercise had finished to identify lactate and cortisol levels. To analyse the data, a repeated-measure ANOVA was used. No differences were noted between concentric and eccentric trials for pain rating and perceived exertion. Heart rate was significantly higher in every exercise except lat pulldown. Levels of lactate were significantly higher directly post exercise and 15 minutes after following concentric training compared to eccentric training. The study shows that at a relatively lower intensity, concentric and eccentric training show similar rate of perceived exertion pain perception under a relative load (%eccentric1RM= %concentric1RM +20%).ÂÂ   This suggests that you can overload the eccentric phase of an exercise with 20% more than the concentric phase and the body is not negatively affected. Heart rate was maintained at a lower threshold throughout training apart from in one instance despite the eccentric phase holding a 20% greater load. This potentially indicates that eccentric exercise could be deemed as a safer modality of exercise than concentric Enoka (1996) conducted a study highlighting the differences in concentric and eccentric muscle actions in regards to neural activity. Previous studies suggest that neuralogical factors can augment strength gains in trained (Edgerton et al, 1986) and untrained individuals (Komi, 1986) whilst also increase the efficiency in which they can lift sub-maximal loads (Ploutz et al, 1994). It is also noted that neural factors increase the synchronization of motor units (Milner-Brown et al, 1975). A motor unit is defined as motoneuron and all its associated fibres (Bachle Earle 2002). An action potential is passed through the motor neuron, this releases a hormone which passes across a neural junction resulting muscle fibre activation (Baechle Earle, 2000). To increase the force generated by a muscle, motor unit activation must increase frequency, or recruit more motor units at once. Usually motor units activate in a uniform sequence, inferior unitsÂÂ   activate first with superior units coming in to play when the external load becomes too great, commonly termed as the size principal (Baechle Earle, 2000). In order to generate maximum force, it is necessary for all of the motor units within a muscle to activate. In most people the size principle applies, lower threshold units being activated then the higher threshold as the load increases. Some research suggests that resistance exercise increases the efficiency that a person can recruit the higher threshold motor units (Sale, 1987). Enoka (1996) goes on to suggest that this differs for muscles working eccentrically. Research has identified that it is not likely to recruit all motor units during maximum eccentric contraction despite that fact that eccentric strength is usually 20% greater than concentric (Tesch et al, 1990). Aims Previous literature suggests that the strength of the eccentric portion of an exercise can be anything up to 120% greater than that of concentric (Hortobagyi, 1990). Current literature also proposes that eccentric and concentric training illicit different training responses and therefore could produce different muscular adaptations (Baechle Earle, 2000). From the previously mentioned literature, the following was hypothesised: Eccentric 1 Rep Max bench press will yield greater strength than concentric. Objectives The main objective of this proposal is to quantify the differences in eccentric and concentric bench press scores. Methodology Participants Twenty six males between the ages of 18 and 31 who have been taking part in resistance training for over 1 year volunteered for the study. For the purposes of this study resistance training experience is defined as having regularly trained bench press( 1p/w) over the year leading up to the study. Volunteers for the study where students recruited from sport and exercise science classes at The University of the West of Scotland, Hamilton Campus. It was required of the students involved in the study to firstly complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire to ensure that they were physically fit enough to engage in the study. It was also required of the students to complete an Informed Consent document outlining how the study would be carried out, how it affects them and highlighting that they have the right to withdraw themselves at any time. Exclusion criteria from the study included: orthopaedic injuries, hypertension, cardiovascular issues and abuse of anabolic agents. Current dietary intake will not be monitored throughout the study, but it will have to remain consistent throughout its entirety. Once the study begins, participants may not take part in any resistance training out with study. The assumption is made that all participants will follow all testing protocols relayed to them for completion out with the laboratory. The participant is also required to abstain from exercise that is greater than the needs for daily living during the testing period. They must also refrain from taking any ergogenic supplements or making dietary changes throughout the testing period. Protocol The study will consist of 3 testing sessions over an 8-week period. Testing will be conducted in the strength and conditioning laboratory in the University of the West of Scotland, Hamilton Campus. Participants will be split into 2 even groups for testing, concentric and eccentric. Participants will be prompted to complete an informed consent document providing their approval to take part in the study. Once the document is completed and reviewed, anthropometric measurements will be taken: weight, height and body composition. Following anthropometric measurements, participants will perform a cardiovascular warm up on a cycle ergometer for (90RPM 5 minutes). This will be followed by an incremental warm up protocol for bench pressing (10,5 and 3 repetitions). The weight used here will be self-selective and should increase with every set (Baechle Earle, 2000). All three testing sessions will include the cardio vascular warm up, bench press warm up followed by 1 Rep Max testing in eithe r eccentric/concentric bench press, depending on what group the individual has been placed in. Participants will be allowed to have a few practice attempts with an unloaded barbell to familiarise themselves with how the testing will operate. The concentric group will perform their lifts by lying supine on a bench from the chest until they can fully straighten their arm, extending the elbow. The bar will be lowered down to their chest prior to each rep to ensure that only a concentric muscle action is being measured. This will be done via a pulley system and two additional spotters positioned at either end of the barbell. When the participant is unable to completely straighten the arms to complete the concentric bench press, the repetition will be deemed a failed rep. The eccentric bench press will involve the slow and controlled lowering of a barbell from full extension down to the chest. It should take the participant three seconds to perform this movement and tempo will be kept with a metronome to help to identify successful reps. On completion of a rep the barbell will be returned to the original position via pulley system and assistance from spotters. If the participant is unable to control the descent of the bar, allowing it to touch their chest before the 3 seconds ends the repetition n will be classed as a failure. To ensure that all the participants are safe, stringent measure will be taken. Spotters will be used during all exercise sets, warm up and testing. The pulley system will be lowered to the appropriate height for each user, this will be marked to ensure consistency with the operator. Chalk will be made available on request to reduce the likelihood of the barbell slipping from the hands. Statistics All data collected in the study will be analysed using an SPSS software. The data will be initially inspected to make sure it is acceptable. The mean and standard deviation will be calculated using a paired T test which will help to identify if there is a significant difference between concentric one repetition maximums and eccentric. References Baechle, T.R., Earle, R.W. (eds.). (2000). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 2nd Edition. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Brandenburg, J.P., and Docherty, D. (2002). The effects of accentuated eccentric loading on strength, muscle hypertrophy, and neural adaptations in trained individuals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 16(1), 25-32. Lohman, E.C., Cussler, T.G., Going, S.B., Houtkooper, L.B., Metcalfe, L.L., Teixeira, P.J. (2003). Weight lifted in strength training predicts bone changes in postmenopausal women. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, 35(1), 10- 17 Edgerton, V.R., Roy, R.R., Gregor, R.J., Rugg, S. (1986). Morphological basis of skeletal muscle power output. In: Human Muscle Power, N.L. Jones, N. McCartney, A.J. McComas, eds. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 43-64. Enoka, R.M. (1996). Eccentric contractions require unique activation strategies by the nervous system. Journal of Applied Physiology, 81(6), 2339-2346 Flitney, F.W., and Hirst, D.G. (1978). Cross-bridge detachment and sarcomere give during stretch of active frogs muscle. Journal of Physiology, 276, 449-465 Hollander, D.B., Kilpatrick, M.W., Ramadan, Z.G., Reeves, G.V., Francois, M., Kraemer, R.R. (2008). Load rather than contraction type influences rate of perceived exertion and pain. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22, 1184-1193. Hortobagyi, T., Devita, P., Money, J., Barrier, J. (2001). Effects of standard and eccentric overload strength training in young women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(7), 1206-1212 Hortobagyi, T., Hill, J.P., Houmard, J.A., Fraser, D.D., Lambert, N.J., Israel, R.G. (1996). Adaptive responses to muscle lengthening and shortening in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology, 80(3), 765-772. Janssen, I., Heymsfield, S.B., and Ross, R. (2002). Low relative skeletal muscle mass (sarcopenia) in older persons is associated with functional impairment and physical disability. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 50, 889-896. Jones, Gareth. Strength Training. 1st ed. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2009. Print Jurca, R., Lamonte, M.J., Barlow, C.E., Kampert, J.B., Church, T.S., and Blair, S.N. (2005). Association of muscular strength with incidence of metabolic syndrome in men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37(11), 1849-1855 Komi, P.V. (1986). Training of muscle strength and power: interaction of neuromotoric, hypertrophic, and mechanical factors. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 7, 10-15. Levinger, I., Goodman, C., Hare, D.L., Jerums, G., Selig, S. (2007). The effect of resistance training on functional capacity and quality of life in individuals with high and low numbers of metabolic risk factors. Diabetes Care, 30(9), 2205-2210 McArdle, William D, Frank I Katch, and Victor L Katch. Essentials Of Exercise Physiology. 1st ed. Print. Metter, E.J., Talbot, L.A., Schrager, M., Conwit, R. (2002). Skeletal muscle strength as a predictor of all cause mortality in healthy men. Journal of Gerontology, 57(10), 359-365 Milner-Brown, H.S., Stein, R.B., Lee, R.G. (1975). Synchronization of motor units: possible roles of exercise and supraspinal reflexes. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 38, 245-254 Ploutz, L.L., Tesch, P.A., Biro, R.L., Dudly, G.A., (1994). Effect of resistance training on muscle use during exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 76, 1675-1681 Rosete, Fernando A. et al. Eccentric, Concentric, And Isometric Strength In Trained And Untrained Older Adults. Medicine Science in Sports Exercise 47 (2015): 24-25. Web. Sale, D.G. (1987). Influence of exercise and training on motor unit activation, Exercise Sport Science Reviews, 15(1), 95-151. Tesch, P.A., Dudley, G.A., Duvoisin, M.R., Hather, B.M., Harris, R.T. (1990). Force and EMG signal patterns during repeated bouts of concentric or eccentric muscle actions. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 138, 263-271. Vikne, H., Refsnes, P.E., Ekmark, M., Medbo, J.I., Gundersen, V., Gundersen, K. (2006). Muscular performance after concentric and eccentric exercise in trained men. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(10), 1770-1781

Friday, October 25, 2019

DNA Molecule :: Biology, The Mitochondrial Cyt B

Haruan Channa striatus is in great demand in the Malaysian domestic fish market. Therefore, detailed knowledge of the genetic diversity and population genetics of Haruan C. striatus are needed for sound management, conservation, stock identification and successful fishing of the species. Haruan, the local name for the snakehead Channa striatus is an obligate freshwater fish of the family Channidae, which has important economic value as food fish, and has pharmacological properties as well as medicinal value (Mat Jais, 1991, 2007a, 2007b; Rahim et al., 2009; Jamaluddin et al., 2011). Haruan C. striatus can be morphologically distinguished based on coloration, meristics and morphometrics (Mat Jais, 1991; Rahim et al., 2009), as well as the distribution of scales on the underside of the lower jaw, and the morphology of the suprabranchial organs and a sharp pointed ridge at the mid-ventral part of isthmus (Vishwanath and Geetakymari, 2009). The wild species found in small rivers, lakes, pools and shallow water bodies where agro-chemicals are applied in their natural habitats can survive in harsh environments with low dissolved oxygen and high ammonia (Rahim et al., 2009; Jamaluddin, 2011). Haruan C. striatus in particular has a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 42, with a karyotype composed of 6 metacentric, 2 acrocentric and 34 telocentric chromosomes, NF=50, without heteromorphic sex chromosomes (Supiwong et al., 2009). The mitochondrial cyt b is one of the most important proteins encoding genes on the heavy strand of the mtDNA molecule, which has been widely used in molecular marker techniques for many applications to access intra- or interspecies genetic diversity, genetic variation, phylogeography, species and hybrid identification, phylogeny in numerous species and genera, population genetic structure, conservation and demographic history (Hsu et al., 2009; Li et al., 2009, Ma et al., 2010; Thangaraj and Lipton, 2010). Due to the potential of Haruan C. striatus previous studies have analyzed the genetics of this species at the morphological, biological, diet, physiological, biochemical composition, ecological and chromosomal level for breeding programs and medical and pharmaceutical activities for anti-microbial, antiinflammatory, cell proliferation, induction of platelet aggregation and anti-nociceptive properties (Mat Jais, 2007b; Rahim et al., 2009; Supiwong et al., 2009; Dahlan-Daud et al., 2010; Jamaluddin et al., 2011). In recent years, preliminary analysis of Haruan C. striatus populations has been examined based on different molecular markers, such as analysis of mitochondrial mtDNA (Abol-Munafi, 2007; Lakra et al., 2010; Jamaluddin et al., 2011), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD; Ambak et al., 2006) and allozyme markers (Hara et al., 1998). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) has been proven to be a successful method in studying the population genetic structure and differentiation of many fish, such as skipjack tuna